Stanley Saxton Seedling Award

The Stanley Saxton Seedling Award was first proposed by the Hudson-Adirondack Daylily Society as a means of focusing increased attention on Region 4 hybridizing.  Many AHS members of Region 4 actively hybridize and have produced some high quality seedlings deserving of the Region's attention. This award will place emphasis on plants that not only survive in Region 4, but also bloom and increase well.

Specifications:    The award is for the best unregistered seedling seen at the yearly regional meeting. It will be awarded each year that there is a bloom-season meeting, and will not be awarded from photographs. Region 4 hybridizers are asked to submit a maximum of three (3) unregistered seedlings with a maximum of three-to-five fans each, the year previous to the judging. This will allow the seedlings to settle in and grow. All seedlings will be planted in one location in one tour garden for easy evaluation. This will insure that all seedlings receive equal treatment. Seedlings from purchased seed are not eligible, nor are purchased seedlings. All seedlings will be grown under number with no hybridizer or name identified on the label.
The winner will be decided by the votes of those attending the regional meeting. The host club will choose the award that is given to the winner.
Absolutely no pollen will be taken, nor will pods be set during the plant's stay in the guest garden. Flower scapes will be removed the season previous to bloom to encourage increase.
After the meeting, plants will be returned to the hybridizer. The hybridizer may opt to auction them or donate them.


Anna Carlson - New York
at Finger Lakes Regional Meeting

Robert Stanton - New York
at LIDS Regional Meeting
seedling 023, registered in 2019 as 'Margaret Stanton Memorial'
2016 - at New Hampshire Regional Meeting
a tie
Rich Howard - Connecticut              Peggy Corbeil - Massachusetts
Charlie Zettek
at Connecticut Regional meeting
No competition offered

No competition offered
Jerry Gregorinski
at ODS Regional meeting. Unnamed to date.

Darlyn Wilkinson
at HADS Regional Meeting. Registered in 2011 as 'Greywoods Fashionista'.

Brian Culver
at BADS Regional Meeting. Registered in 2007 as 'Eyepod'.

Charlie Zettek
at NEDS Regional Meeting.


No competition offered at CDS Peak Bloom Regional in Connecticut.
Ellen Laprise
LIDS Regional Meeting. Registered in 2007 as 'Bob Marley'

Darlyn S. Willkinson
at FieLDS Fall Regional Meeting. Registered in 2006 as 'Greywoods Sugarland'.

Maureen Strong
at ODS Regional Meeting. Unnamed.

Melanie Mason
at HADS Regional Meeting.
Registered in 2005 as 'Paula Heisen'.

Don Smith at CDS Regional Meeting. Unnamed.

Darlyn S. Willkinson at NEDS Combined National-Regional Meeting. Registered in 2001 as 'Greywoods Great Dana'.

No competition offered at BADS Peak Bloom at Regional in Buffalo.
Phil Reilly
at NEDS Regional Meeting. Registered as 'Gina' in 1996.

George Rasmussen
at LIDS Regional Meeting. Registered as 'Judy Judy' in 1998.

Judy Judy
No known photo exists for this winner of the first Saxton seedling competition.  It was never named nor registered. Mary has since passed away. If anyone knows of an image please contact web master Kelly Noel. It was a tall purple UF.

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