The Region 4 Newsletter

Winner of the AHS National Award
Best Regional Newsletter
in 1997
and again in 2014!!


Marlene Harmon, New Hampshire email


Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Fall 2023
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Spring 2023
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Fall 2022
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Spring 2022
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Fall 2021
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Spring 2021
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Fall 2020
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Spring 2020
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Fall 2019
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Spring 2019
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Winter 2018
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Spring 2018
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Winter 2017
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Spring 2017
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Winter 2016
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Spring 2016
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Fall 2015
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Spring 2015
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Fall 2014
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Spring 2014
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Fall 2013
Daylilies in the Great Northeast - Spring 2013

The Region 4 Newsletter is published online twice each year
in Spring and again in Fall
for the members of American Hemerocallis Society Region 4. 

Interactive Advertising Rates
Quarter Page $25
Half Page $50
Full Page $100

Email your advertisement/ad request to Editor
Make cheques payable to AHS Region 4 and send payment
in US Funds to the Newsletter Editor:
Marlene Harmon   49 Ledge Rd   Hudson, NH  03051

Out-of-Region advertising is considered for all types of ads.

Issue Copy
Spring Feb 15
Fall/Winter Oct 1

2018 AHS National Newsletter Award winners:

2017 AHS National Newsletter Award winners:

    2013 AHS National Newsletter Award winners:

  • Best Scientific Article
    Melanie Mason, "Which Way's North", Fall 2012

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